a blog for North Rangers

North Range Craft Butchers - Feeding the Animals at the Calgary Zoo

Calgary’s best home delivered premium meat service, North Range Craft Butchers, was back at it again this April. And if home delivery wasn’t enough, we’ve broadened our horizons to help out our good friends down at the Calgary Zoo. We were called to action by the head zookeepers to bring a little cheer for the hardworking employees down at one of the last remaining spots still open. Yes! You heard that right, the Zoo is still open for business. And they are the perfect retreat to cure those stir crazy blues. Tickets are available for purchase at https://www.calgaryzoo.com/Zooventure

Speaking of blue, a flock of North Rangers assembled well over 100 orders for this employee appreciation event. And, as you can see in the photo below. Even some of the locals had to check out the buzz behind the blue. We’re convinced that our feathered friend thought North Range was fly!



Aside from a run in with some of the locals at the Calgary Zoo, we had a great reception from the animals behind scenes of some of the best catered events in town. Chef Thomas Wong & TJ Charoenpan were hard at work whipping up a feast for the pride of Calgarians enjoying the day on the grounds. 



In addition to all the regular fun found at the zoo, the head zookeepers have been busy creating several new animal themed events. Including several 18+ events that offer a chance to get away and enjoy a few adult beverages in a covid-safe environment. I mean, who doesn’t want to walk around with a drink and look at all the finned, feathered, and hooved creatures found at your Calgary Zoo. The monthly Locked Zoo events in particular takes escape rooms to a whole new level by combining puzzle solving with animal facts. And encourages a little liquid stimulation while roaming the grounds for clues. This event and many more can be found at https://www.calgaryzoo.com/events/events-at-a-glance . Keep in mind that these events are prone to change in accordance with the ever changing covid restrictions.

From all of us at North Range, we wanted to thank the Calgary Zoo for supporting us! And as always…. Live by the Knife,

North Ranger Dan


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